Stonehenge And The Mayan Calendar: Article Analysis

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From reading the article, “Ancient Timekeepers”, we are introduced to two different types of ancient calendar systems. These are the Stonehenge and the Mayan Calendar system. Although they were both created to serve a similar purpose, such as tracking the time of the year, they are far from similar. Stonehenge is a system based on shadows that mark significant days, such as the Summer Solstice. It is believed that Stonehenge was built by farmers to keep track of when to plant and harvest crops. On page 70, the text states, “... they used the sun and Stonehenge to know exactly when the solstice arrived.” The Mayan calendar is more complex, and it is based on the Mayan solar clock. According this solar clock, the sun would rise over one of the three temples to mark a special day. Despite the fact that both systems worked somewhat …show more content…

There are many legends about Stonehenge because there is no written records left behind about it. These legends or myths help explain the origin of the giant stones. On page 69, it says that “nobody knows for sure how the ring of stones came to be. But some believe they know part of the reason why Stonehenge exists.” For instance, some people believe that they are “dancing giants” that turned to stone. Another legend about how Stonehenge came into existence is that “the stones were brought to the site by an evil spirit.” Others believe that the Heel Stone got its name when “...a monk kicked one of the stones with his heel. His heel was so strong, he almost tipped over the massive rock that is now called the Heel Stone.” These just a few of many legends about Stonehenge that help us explain its existence. Since there is no proven evidence how these massive stones were brought to the site a long, long time ago, people rely on these legends to justify how they ended up

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