Stereotypes-Personal Narrative

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My name is Victoria and I am 33 years old and live in the city of Chicago. I have long brown hair, a thin physique. I have always been an extrovert, as opposed to my younger sister, Gloria, who keeps everything to herself. Gloria is 30 years old and also lives in Chicago. She has short blonde hair, and is “cute.” Gloria has always had that “girl next door” look- kind of simple, kind of adorable. Gloria and I grew up in the Windy City. Our parents, Frank and Donna, are strict Catholics. Gloria is very religious, as I on the other hand, very spiritual. We both never really got along with our ‘rents and life in the Caffarella compound was always turbulent. From early on, all of Gloria’s significant others’ were attracted to me, but she never mentioned the obvious googley-eyed stares and flirtation that the men slapped in her face. Coincidentally, Gloria and I shared the same taste in men. We both preferred men who were taller than average, dark and handsome, with a good sense of humor. I mean, we both needed to laugh, having been raised with such strict rules and regulations. It was summertime, the air was clean, the sun was brilliant, and Gloria and I had arranged a double-date night at the most fancy Italian joint in town! Paulie was my date and Seth was accompanying Gloria …show more content…

Think of a time that you felt really mad and allow the pictures and thoughts to come into your mind’s eye now. Take a breath in and acknowledge your pain, exhale, release the feeling. It no longer serves you. As you begin to breathe more deeply, tapping in, start to move towards a time that you felt extremely grateful. Allow the grateful experience to stay in your mind as we move throughout class. If at any time your mind becomes distracted, simply, deepen your breath and focus on your grateful experience. As you focus on what you are grateful for, allow your mind and physical body to become calmer.” Jenny went

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