Stereotypes Of Older Women

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1. Older women are confident.
They know themselves better than anybody, which helps them exude confidence.
Having that poise, assurance, and certainty is extremely sexy and attractive! Men adore a confident woman who has her own life sorted out and isn’t afraid to be herself around others.
This sexy assertiveness is why men find older women attractive. It is so much easier to spend time with a woman who is less demanding; more relaxed, and has a good attitude about life. With confidence comes less drama and more fun.
2. They are very responsible.
Most of them are hard workers and they have built foundation for their own lives. Older woman tend to be more clear and focused and know exactly what they want.
She can help guide and teach a man the …show more content…

They are independent.
Typically, older women are perfectly happy with no strings attached. She does not need a man in her life to make her content. She won’t be clingy or needy and she can pay for her own dinner and drinks.
They know what they want – the resulting emotional and financial independence is a huge turn on for a man.
4. Older women are honest.
There is a level of honesty and trust that an older woman has learned to apply to her partners. Respect is very important in all areas of dating and relationships.
An older woman has mastered this life skill and wants honesty, trust, and respect in return. She is not going to be impressed if the man is still trying to figure out how to juggle multiple dates, or come up with excuses about other women is his life.
5. She has the experience.
She knows the trials and tribulations of it all and is more mild mannered about relationship drama. Older women know how they want to be treated, so there aren’t any mixed signals.
An older woman is also more emotionally stable and is seeking a true connection with her man. She can also help the man learn more about himself and his emotions to ultimately be a better person, a best friend, and a long lasting partner.
6. She means it when she

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