Stereotypes And Racism In April Raintree By Beatrice Culleton

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April Raintree is the main character of the novel. In search of April Raintree written by Beatrice Culleton. April wished she could change her metis heritage or the spelling of her last name, Raintree. Why? Stereo-types and Racism, but most of all because of disrespectful people. As quoted in the novel, April mentions her experience being criticized with racism because she was metis. In the beginning April speaks about the start of her experience.

“There were two different groups of children that went to the park. One group was brown skinned children who looked like Cheryl in most ways. Some of them even come over to our house with their parents. Once I was up close to one as she was busily putting me down. I imagined they were very rich …show more content…

Sadly the racism didn’t stop, after a while the girls were taken by social services from their home because their parents were alcoholic’s that didn’t care for the both girls. Unfortunately when April was moved into her second foster home because her first foster mother got very ill, the racism went up to a whole different level when April arrived at the Derosier’s farm.

As April arrived and met Mrs. DeRosier, April had a feeling Mrs. DeRosier wasn’t the person she acted. When Mrs. Semple left Mrs. DeRosier was finally alone with April, she was given restricted orders.
“The school bus comes at eight. You will get up at six. Go to the hen house and bring back the eggs. While I prepare breakfast, you will wash the eggs. After breakfast, you will do the dishes. After school, you’ll have more chores to do, then you will help me prepare the supper. After you do the supper fishes, you will go to your room and stay there. You’ll also keep yourself and the room clean. I know you half breeds, you love to wallow in filth, “the boys” Ricky” said to Mrs. DeRosier, ‘Is that the new half-breed girl we’re getting? She doesn’t look like the last squaw we …show more content…

And you girls are headed in that direction. It starts out with the fighting, the running away, and the lies. Next come the accusations that everyone in the world is against you. There are the sullen incorporated silences, the feeling sorry for yourselves. And when you’re out on your own, you’ll get pregnant right away or can’t find or keep jobs. SI you’ll start with alcohol and drugs. From there, you get into shoplifting and prostitution and in and out of jails. You’ll live with men who abuse you. And on it goes. You’ll end up like your parents, living off society. In both your cases, it would be pity because Miss Turner and I knew you both when you were little. And you both were remarkable, well behaved youngsters, now you’re going the same route as many other native girls. IF you don’t smarten up, you’ll end up in the same place. Skid

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