Stereotypes: A Dangerous Myths About Muslims

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A Dangerous Myth about Muslims One of the most dangerous myths that has been created in the past decade involves any visual stereotype followed by a false accusation. These are just opinions and lack judgmental evidence. The Muslim culture is slandered and biased by many Americans as the belief that they may in some way be a terrorist by the way they dress, how they speak, and what they eat.

Americans have grown to be cautious with their surroundings when a Muslim is present in the same scene as them. Muslims can’t peacefully get around to grocery markets or airports without being criticized by their appearance or “bad” reputation. We come from a country with certain areas of society believing all Muslims are terrorists from what they have seen or observed from in past events. For instance, think back to the shootings in Paris this past winter or even further back to the collapse of the twin towers and Pentagon buildings fifteen years ago. These two catastrophic events marked a black hole in U.S. history books. According to NBC news, last year, a third incident irritated many Americans to strengthen security in public schools after a …show more content…

The Quran is worn to represent their religion and culture. Women dress in modest clothing, which includes headscarves and full robes. Muslim women dress modestly to show different traditions of religion, and for respect from the community. This also, hides their face and body from the public so that they wouldn't get the wrong idea of muslim worn being available or un-Godly. The scarves or robes may be worn to reach conformity to Muslim community norms and to avoid judgments of being uncovered. Americans only see the clothing garments to be what they think it is but what they don't know is that there is meaning behind the clothing that Muslims tend to wear. (17 reasons why women wear headscarves. Shabana Mir.

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