Stenson Article Analysis

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Anderson, K.A., & Camelia, I.S. (2009). The effects of school-based curricula on reading achievement of African American males in special education. The Journal of Negro Education, 78(3), 1-15. This article is about four studies that examining instructional methods and positives and negatives. Then it goes on in explaining some methods and has a table that compares and contrast after two years to four years of their practices of comprehension. The result of the study showed that African American Males in special education shows improvements with their reading achievements. Key Words: Oral reading fluency, African American Males, National Reading Association

Specific Point: “Research has shown that students in special education are likely to experience reading difficulties (Aaron, Joshi, Gooden, & Bentum, 2008; Hay, Elias, Fielding-Barnsley, Homel, & Freiberg,2007). “ (337) Stenson Article has many contentions to the Anderson article. Both of them discussed the role of African American males in special education. With Anderson article, we are mainly discussing the achievement levels of African American males. While in Stenson article the study …show more content…

(2010). Rethinking literacy development of bilingual students with special needs: challenges, struggles and growth. International Journal of Special Education, 25(2), 136-147. Because special education bilingual students have encountered so many challenges it does not take about from them wanting to achieve in school. This article analyzing the reading and writing skills of Bilingual Student educations and how teachers can become more attentive to them in terms of where these students might need help with their literacy skills. The article going through a whole study of a student named Angel and him being a BSE students and their

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