Starting School Start Times Essay

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School Start Times

Starting school early for teenagers does not help us, if anything it makes life and school harder. Some students stay up late doing homework, get home later from sports, or other activities and having to wake up at 6 something in the morning does not help those students. It has been proven that starting school later would not only help students in school, but also in life.

To begin with, according to a CDC article it starts off by saying “ Starting school later can help adolescents get enough sleep and improve their health, academic performance, and quality of life.” The definition of adolescents is the process of developing from a child into an adult. This is relevant to my point because being able to sleep in a bit would help students/ teenagers in the long run. In the same article it goes on to say that a study by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends 8-10 …show more content…

In an article by Times it says “... students are allowed to wake up in the morning, they’ll be more focused during the day, more alert behind the wheel and less likely to be late to (or absent from) school.” I know from experience that waking up in the morning is very difficult for students. In the same source it says “ … teenagers should sleep 8-10 hours a night. But according to CDC, almost 70% of high school-school students report sleeping 7 hours or less on a regular basis.” It’s understandable for an adult or teacher to blame the students saying that they should go to bed earlier but they have to understand that sometimes teenagers get home late or just aren’t able to fall asleep at the time that they should. Not getting enough sleep can also be a danger, as I said in my first point, about being alert behind the wheel, some people can doze off while driving. I know it may seem hard to believe for people that don’t experience that, but it has became a problem, especially with this

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