Starbucks. P&G

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P&G 1. House of brands, brand extension and line extension are all examples of branding strategies. The first one, in the context of Proctor and Gamble is also called a “multi-brand” strategy. There are multiple brands in the same category to address different buyers’ needs, like Crest and Oral-B in toothbrushes, or Luvs and Pampers in the diapers section. The company uses its popularity on the market to perform an effective brand extension strategy taking “Old Spice” man's fragrance and extending it to deodorant, or launching a new “Crest White-strips” tooth-whitening system take its known “Crest” brand as a base. The line extension strategy is also kept in the company's arsenal. It can be seen when the same product is produced in different sizes or forms. Items like shampoos are sold in at least two different sizes – one for the personal use, and another – for the professional shops. Soap can be found in all sorts of forms (hard, liquid, gel) and shapes, satisfying all types of consumers needs. 2. The fact of extension “Mr. Clean” brand from a popular household cleaner to a new b...

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