Star Wars: Movie Analysis

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Any act of conscious communication always true, in varying degrees, two fundamental objectives. One is to inform, instruct and describe, and the other is to entertain or occupy. The products of the mass communication industry made that mandate the particularity that are targeted to a wide receiver, whose acceptance is intended to conquer. The intent of the act is expressed with the term broadcast (spread through mass media), which once meant to sow broadcast the farmland. The cinema, especially the US, is the great communication industry of the twentieth century. Although in recent decades seems to have given primacy to television, the information, education and entertainment on Western culture influence is undeniable. Popcorn movie by excellence, Star Wars is primarily entertainment (and business), but It contains a worldview that reflects some fundamental contradictions of modern man. When we compare this space saga with other mythological stories, cultural genre to which it belongs, but such a task exceeds the time and space that we have now. Eyes focus in political …show more content…

Some of the drawbacks of the film might be the lack of technology, because the film itself takes place in a futuristic era. The poor resources forced the director to develop new ways of movie films, and with all those changes maybe even inspire new technologies of the present day compared to 1977 year in which the movie was made. Another problem could be that the actors or crew had little interest in the film, considering the project a "children's film," rarely taking their work seriously, and maybe finding it humorous. One of the main reasons why Star Wars is so popular in the modern culture is because of its philosophical trends, the integration of various ancient myths, and debugging of a genre, the fantastic, through the use of elements of

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