Stalin Persuasive Essay

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Have I taken the right decision, have I done the right thing? Questions like this have been on my mind since I decided to join the NKVD (Stalin's secret police.) May 19 1941 Today we are being reassigned to a concentration camp in Siberia.Thousands of Jews were deported to the Gulag camps of Siberia also run by the NKVD(History of the Cheka). But I didn't know, none of us did. Questioning Stalin and even the commander is something we learned to never do. Stalin ruled by terror and eliminated anyone who might oppose him.("Joseph Stalin")
“Mr. Krupinski” said the commander.
“Franz, sir you can call me Franz” I said shaking his hand
I got in the car and we headed to a place where my thoughts about Stalin would change completely.
Siberia sounded …show more content…

This morning, like every other morning the NKVD goes around and we pick up any Jews that died overnight. We take the corpses and burned them in open pits it’s cheaper and a more efficient method(Meltzer 12). As I was handed the last corpses I heard a little girl crying hysterically. I warned her to quiet down or she was going to get shot. It seemed as if she didn’t care she kept on crying louder and louder. Another NKVD officer heard the crying and started walking closer to us. He reached where we were and pulled out his gun pointing at the little girl. My heart started pounding faster and faster I couldn't believe that after all this time here at the concentration camp, I still felt sorrow over the kids that were killed. I quickly pulled my gun out and pressed it against the soldier's head. He slowly backed up and put his gun away. What had I just done.If a single person helped a Jew they would be punished(Meltzer 29) All these thoughts just came rushing in my mind. What would the soldier do? would he tell the commander? What would the commander do? Jewish children were special targets,Hitler and Stalin saw the next generation as a threat of a jewish future(Meltzer 32) One and a half million jewish children under the age of twelve were gassed in the death camps,or otherwise deliberately killed(Meltzer

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