Spring Descriptive Writing

592 Words2 Pages

As a resident of Minnesota, you experience all four of the seasons that mother nature throws at the world, allowing you to form strong opinions about the seasons, particularly winter and spring. From the beautiful coat of fresh white snow, to the snow covered tree branches, winter is quite the scene. However, the bitter cold temperatures can become unbearable at times. On the other hand, spring is the time when nature comes back to life, yet that life gives your vicious allergies.

On a lovely spring morning, you hear the birds singing and the rainwater dripping on your windowsill. As you walk outside you can feel the sun on your skin, followed by a subtle breeze in the wind. You inhale the air through your nose and smell the spring flowers and the freshly cut grass. Glancing down, you find miniature puddles of rainwater on the sidewalk. As you meticulously examine the puddles, you observe the reflection of the clear blue sky, filled with birds flying back and forth from tree to tree. However, the pleasure is ravaged when your allergies kick in. Your eyes start to get wet, your throat itches, and your nose …show more content…

You remember the first day of snow. You gazed out the window to spot a squirrel running across the snow-covered fence. You took your warmest jacket and walked outside. Examining the scene, you noticed it was quiet and peaceful, the silence from the white scenery creating an environment of tranquility. You inhaled the cold, dry air and you felt your body slightly shiver. The smell of the air was parallel to that of cold tap water, and when joined with the beautiful white scene, it manifested a refreshing moment. You then remembered you only had twenty minutes to get to work, and your car is under a gigantic pile of fresh snow. You called into work and let them know would be running late. You grabbed your shovel and began the scrutinizing task that so many people

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