Spring Cleaning

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“Kelly come back, I gave you the wrong set of keys,” exclaimed Ben.

I was on my way to get the riding lawn mower so we could begin our spring cleaning. It’s my Mother-in-Law, Linda’s, monstrous area consisting of two acres. We mow every Saturday during the spring and summer months to help her out since Ben’s father passed away.

Outside a gentle breeze flew by as the sun glared down upon our faces. “Is this the best time of day to be doing this?” I thought to myself; as it was a scorcher outside.

So I ventured back to where Ben sat to get the right keys. “Why do you always seem to hand me the wrong keys?” I hastily asked him.

“Well if my mom didn’t have so many keys in that drawer it would never be an issue,” he uttered. I impatiently grabbed the keys and headed back toward the shed.

“Remember to grab the gas for the mower too,” Ben hollered. He’d almost struck my last nerve with his demanding tone.

I yelled back, “Is there anything else your highness”? I grabbed the gas and hopped on the mower to meet Ben out front.

In the meantime, I had sat down on the bench out front to take a breather. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Ben’s mom, Linda, walking out to the grass to hose off the barbecue cover.

“Wait, I can come help you with that,” I yelled.

“I really appreciate yours and Ben’s help,” replied Linda.

“You’re very welcome. It’s our pleasure,” I said.

A couple of minutes later here comes Ben’s grandma, Ginner pulling into the driveway. “Oh I didn’t know Grandma was coming over,” I excitedly said to Linda.

“Yes, she insisted on coming over to help me clean the porch off,” Linda replied.

I felt a bit anxious at this point as Grandma can become a tad bossy during family cleaning projects. “Hi Grandma, it’s so nice...

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...f off?” asked Linda.

“No, I’m doing well out here, but thank you anyways,” I replied. I began working at a fast pace in order to get done so we could go home. After all, I had my own chores to do, such as writing a short scene and reading material for an online writing course that I’m taking; for I want to do well.

I did it. I finished the last item. “Hooray!” I exclaimed. “Ben, I’m done. Are we ready to head home soon?” I asked.

“Yes, we just need to put everything back,” Ben said.

So I hauled the belongings one by one, back into the porch area. I strategically placed each item where it came from. The whole area sparkled.

“Bye Grandma and Linda, we are heading home now,” I said.

“Goodbye dear Benny. Thanks for all of your hard work. Bye Kelly, we appreciate all of your hard work too!” exclaimed Linda.

We began our journey home, feeling very accomplished.

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