Spread The Word Retard

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Person-first language is not a common practice presently in main stream society. Until individuals are in a situation where they personally come to realize how disempowering some words can be first hand, many people remain ignorant to how some words that are commonly used can negatively impact people with disabilities. People can be thoughtless at times, and being thoughtless can be hurtful to some and offensive to others.
In the age of political correctness our culture is slowly but surely becoming aware of the power that words have and how to conscientiously choose our words more wisely. The twenty-first century has seen an upsurge of national campaigns to promote empathic practices in our everyday lives against such things as bullying and having general respect for other people for whom we may not identify with.
O’Neill, B. (2011). Critiques politically correct language specifically the use of the word retard in his NY Times article reporting on a national campaign “Spread the Word to End the Word” in an effort to end the use of the word and its variants. As stated by O’Neill, (2011): “Retarded and “retard” today are variations on a slur” which are commonly used among today’s youth as a weapon with an assaultive potency. (O’Neill, 2011).
O’Neill (2011) regards the term “retarded” as a politically incorrect offensive word not because …show more content…

After the backlash, Ms. Coulter stood by her choice of words with an even more ignorant justification. As she referred to her previous tweet, she said she called the president the “R word” and looked for clarification in its offensiveness. In an interview with "Piers Morgan Tonight." Ms. Coulter stated: "maybe Biden should be upset with me calling the president a retard but not an actually disabled person," she chose the word "because it's a synonym for 'loser.' " How ignorant can you get? Loser is not anything near the actual definition of retarded, all she needed to do was refer to a

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