Spread Of Christianity Research Paper

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Vincent van Gogh once said, “Great things are done by a series of small things that are brought together.” This is the case with religion, especially the monotheistic three, for each religion is a building block for the next. The stories of Christianity are an essential part of Islam, and Judaism provides the foundation for all three. Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, having grown tremendously from the small persecuted group of Jews who revered a carpenter’s son. However, without Paul, it is quite possible that Christianity would have never have split from Judaism, much less flourished into the world’s leading religion. Because of this, I believe that Paul is the most important thing I have learned about in Christianity over the last two months because he provides an example that everyone can be saved, he spread the word of Jesus Christ, and he opened Christianity to the Gentiles; all …show more content…

Originally, Paul, whose name was Saul at the time, persecuted any Christians he encountered, “entering house after house, seizing men and women, and sending them to prison,” regardless of their circumstances (Novak 260). He was ruthless and performed these atrocious deeds with fervor. When Saul was journeying to Damascus, Jesus appeared to him. Jesus blinded Saul for three days and forbid him food or drink before granting him forgiveness and filling him with the Holy Spirit. Saul was so overcome by his encounter with the Lord that he changed his name to Paul, symbolizing a new beginning of devout worship. Paul became an apostle who worked to spread the word of Christ and was in turn forgiven for his previous transgressions (Novak). This dramatic transformation convinced people to join Christianity, now assured that any sin could be forgiven through Jesus the

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