Spina Bifida Research Paper

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Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. It is a birth defect in which a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly. The term Spina bifida comes from Latin and means "split" or "open" spine. This disorder occurs when the fetus is growing in the womb and its spine doesn’t form correctly. Some of the vertebrae don’t close to make their normal ring shapes around the spinal cord. This defect happens at the end of the first month of pregnancy, when a baby's spine and spinal cord are developing. Causes of Spina Bifida Causes that cause this disorder are low levels of the vitamin folic acid during pregnancy. Not having enough folic acid in the diet before and during early pregnancy can increase a woman's risk of Spina bifida and possibility of other neural tube defects. A high fever during pregnancy may increase a woman's chance of having a baby with Spina bifida. Some evidence suggests that genes may be a cause of Spina Bifida, but most babies born with Spina bifida have no family history of the condition. Also, women with epilepsy …show more content…

It is the mildest form resulting in a small separation or gap in one or more vertebrae’s of the spine. This type no signs or symptoms and experience no neurological problems. However, visible indications of Spina bifida occulta can sometimes be seen on the newborn's skin above the spinal defect, including an abnormal tuft of hair, a collection of fat and a small dimple or birthmark. Many people who have Spina bifida occulta are unaware, unless the condition is discovered during an X-ray or other imaging test done for other unrelated reasons.
Second type of SB is Meningocele. It is a rare form, which protective membranes around the meninges push out through the opening in the vertebrae. Because the spinal cord develops normally, these membranes can be removed by surgery with little or no damage to the nerve

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