Speech On Chicano Education

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During the time I knew my father was depressed, I could not contemplate why his disorder continued over many years or why it carried on even after my family managed to make him laugh. The death of my grandfather, his sibling’s feud over their inheritance, and becoming disabled critically influenced his depression. On Easter 2015, my father died by suicide. I was flooded with anger when I tried to comprehend my dad’s actions, when I discovered that my mother heard his plea but did not understand, and when my intermediate family blamed us for his death. Guilt overwhelmed me because I did not foresee his actions, I was uneducated on the disorder, and I had not effectively communicated my love to my father. As the confused and stressed-out teen …show more content…

With many Chicanos heavily discouraged by Donald Trump’s racist statements that are abundantly used at my school, it has been my goal to demonstrate to them their worth. As president of M.E.Ch.A. Club and Spanish Honors Society, two out of the three only diverse clubs on campus, I have been determined to educate my school on the importance of a college education, what it really means to be a Latino, and the importance of helping to heal the …show more content…

The two most significant moles I have are flat, on opposite cheeks of my face, and are parallel to each other. Although not bullied often, I was teased at a young age and it imprinted on me that I was unusual. Looking back, it’s unbelievable that as a child, I considered mutilating my face in order to deem myself beautiful. Growing older, I’ve realized that highly regarding other’s opinions about my appearance is just another obstacle in my path of bettering myself. I have learned to love all my features. Both my external and internal conflicts have contributed to fueling my desire to triumph. If I had not had a taste of injustice and discrimination, I wouldn’t have been as eager to fight for similar causes. As I step into adulthood, I will recall my parents moving to an unknown country, even against their loved one’s wishes, because they knew with more possibilities brings a brighter future. In the midst of my classmates nodding their heads in disbelief at what I stand for, I will remember seeing a glimmer of hope in the eyes of individuals who support me, but have not yet learned how to use their

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