Special Topics in Western Art #2: The Gothic Cathedral

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1. Where and when did the word “Gothic” come from? Who coined it and why? In the 1500’s an Italian named Giorgio Vasari coined the term as an insult to the French for their new way of building churches. The Germanic tribes in France had developed some new ideas on building churches so the Italians teased them for not using the traditional Greek architecture, which was ironic because part of the Goths “new” ideas was a return to realism and naturalism that the Romanesque style had abandoned. 2. Define opus modernum. Opus modernum is Latin for modern work and is known for their innovative arches and sculpture and retuning to realism and naturalism. 3. Briefly describe your initial impressions of Gothic architecture and how it differs from Romanesque? Often you can tell if the building is Gothic from the outside because they are often asymmetrical, have finials and crockets, elegant stained glass windows, and are taller than Romanesque buildings; however the real tell tale signs are inside. The barrel vaults of Romanesque churches are replaced with ribbed vaults, it...

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