Sparky's Narrative Analysis

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Each sunday at approximately 3:42-4:02 PM, Ronald takes his dog Sparky for a long walk around the city. When Ronald makes his weekly stop at the pharmacy to get his prescription, Sparky is left tied to a streetlamp, left to wait for his owner with only his old leather collar, his short but elastic leash, his bandages to cover his back foot and his naive curiosity at the world around him.
It was almost 2 years to the day that Ronald had picked up Sparky from the pound. “You came here just in time. Ole Sparks over here only had two days left before we hadda put him down.” Said the man working at the shelter as Ronald decided on adopting Sparky. “Come ‘ere boy!” Ronald said to Sparky as sparky slowly walked over to Ronalds side as they were about to come home to Ronalds apartment. Sparky loved Ronald, and he would be forever in debt for saving him from the shelter. …show more content…

He had hurt his leg after getting in a fight with another dog at the shelter, and until Ronald adopted him he had nothing to protect him from the wound, however, now he always wears a bandage around his back right leg. The barren conditions upset him and each time he made friends with another of the miscellaneous mutts, they mysteriously disappeared. This lack of a lasting emotional connection left a mark on Sparky; whenever his new owner Ronald is away from him, you can see in Sparky’s eyes that he fears the worst, that he will never see Ronald

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