Sorcerer's Stone Thesis

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"You're a wizard, Harry." (JK Rowling) That is the saying that ignited the sale of 450 million copies of Harry Potter. In the first book, Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, the author JK Rowling intrigues the reader to read the rest of the series by making the book come to life. Especially, it is amazing how JK Rowling incorporated two unlike genres, mystery and fantasy, and made it into a fantastic book that kept the reader waiting for more...
"It is our choices that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities." (JK Rowling) This statement mentioned by the wise professor Albus Dumbledore entrances the reader to look for more. JK Rowling did so well intriguing the reader that she wrote another six books and all were made into blockbuster …show more content…

At those sporadic moments when the film allows us to share in Harry's wonder, it lets recapture our own as well." (Kenneth Turan) In Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, JK Rowling helps the reader by recapturing the moments in the story by using imagery. She brings it to life so perfectly while Harry is battling his way out of every corner. For example, in the last part in Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry discovers that a mysterious teacher has partnered with the "Dark Lord". He realizes that it is his job to defeat the evil wizard. Rowling really plays a miniature movie in your head as you read this event. Another reason is because JK Rowling really goes deep into her story by using many fascinating words that can explain every one detail. Once again, Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone wraps it all up by combining two unlike genres into the best story that can ever be told; fantasy and …show more content…

In Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, she brings her talents a step further to combine fantasy and mystery into a book. It was a major risk, but it was stunning. This is because Harry Potter is a magical wizard trying to fight back. Harry also has to solve many hints or clues that are hidden in the magical school of witchcraft and wizardry, Hogwarts. Harry finally has to uncover his parent's murder and defeat the "Dark Lord". It was so well done on the author's part because she sold 450 million copies of Harry Potter. However, there are some

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