Sophomore Year Essay

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In one word I would describe sophomore year as resilience, since it was filled with numerous moments where it was good or bad outcomes. But the good outweighs the bad. I learned constantly going to my professors’ office aided in the lessening of unanswered question in the back of your mind. Then study groups have become my BFF for it has allowed myself to interact with some classmates that help me understand the concepts and I helped them as well. This succor my study skills to flourish so much. Not to mention, I made new friends from it as well. Also, it’s smart to take a break from school work by watching tv or hanging out with your friends. Personally, I love to take naps for they help my mind feel refreshed and able to work for longer hours. …show more content…

For one reason is my parent since they always have my back through thick and thin. They gave tough love when I was lost and encouragement to build myself back up when I was defeated. They put me through school and got whatever I needed till now. My parents instill my independent and hardworking foundation that got me this far. I just yearn for my parents’ proudness by graduating college and forge a place in the real world. Next, is my motto on hard work which is I believe you must work hard for everything you desire. Provided that by utilizing all your effects to whatever you applied it to, as a result create a positive outcome from your work. Rather than half completing tasks and knowing in the back of your mind that you could of did better. To provide my all to any people, work, or job considering I prefer my dedication to benefit others. Lastly, my career keeps my eye on the prize as the purpose to my dream job that truly intrigue my creative

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