Sonnet My Interesting Cat

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Sonnet My interesting cat
I like my cat like he hates dogs
He has green eyes like leaves and fur as white as snow
I don’t know why but he eats similar to hogs
For some reason he is nimble like a hunting bow ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

You wouldn’t be able to see him clearly in the artic
You never know where he is going to be
Weirdly he could be anywhere like the Antarctic
He likes to hide similar to the wind in a tree

When he jumps to places he fly’s to them like a bat
I have always wondered how well he would blend in snow
Sometimes but rarely he can be annoying similar to a giant talking or meowing Nat.
Possibly I don’t know but he could fit in with a crow

My interesting cat
I wrote this poem this poem because my cat is a good friend of mine.

The best book there is the bible
I have a great book it’s called the bible that a lot of people read
This book means a lot to me it can help you with problems like greed
It can be a guide to help you through tough times
Compared to other books or any other type of literature it shines

This book can help you live better
It can give you a warm feeling like a sweater
There are a lot of things that are great about this book
The book has sharp details like a sharpened hook

Sure it may be boring to some of you and to long
All the information in it is true even though you may think it’s wrong
This is great book to live your life by
Even if you think it’s too long you should at least try

The best book there is the bible

I wrote this about the bible because it’s my favorite book.

Pappas funeral

You knew me since I was a born
You were sharp like a thorn
I thought you were the best Mechanic
I don’t think I ever saw you in panic

You were...

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Then right after that the worst thing happened at 3:30 there was an avalanche
I came down so fast it was unbelievable like a moose that talks which is extravagant.

We were trapped in it for hours it’s seemed for a day
The people that found us were the Mountain Patrol the way we went back down was the patrols painful and disdainful way
We couldn’t leave because all the roads were closed because of the disaster
So to pass the time we played cards and monopoly which made the waiting go faster.

The day we got back was the day before break ended we were happy to be home but not scrappy
That night was the best sleep I had had in a long time like a bear’s hibernation certainly not slappey
For some reason when we got back to school we were all relieved
In the end it was the trip I grieved.

I wrote this poem because I like adventures in stories
The great Adventure

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