Solzhenitsyn's Warning to the West

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Warning to the West is a criticism of both the west and his own nation. Solzhenitsyn expresses his deep pain and frustration toward the nations of the world for ignoring the atrocities and even aiding the Soviet Communist Government in which he hails from. Solzhenitsyn expresses his slanted view of a perfect Détente and what he feels should be a true Marxist state by showing some of the atrocities claimed by the Soviet regime. He expresses to the United States that nations can no longer stand by and let communism take over the world. Solzhenitsyn complains about the western allies supporting and aligning with the USSR. He offers explanations to why the allies decided to aid USSR against Nazi Germany. However, although his arguments are somewhat valid, Solzhenitsyn is missing two main keys and reasons to why the west aligned with Soviet Russia. First, The USSR signed a pact with Germany and even aided Germany take over Eastern Europe. This is problematic because if both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia work together with Imperial Japan, the Allies had no chance. The Allies needed to divide these nations. This same tactic was worked in the 1970’s with China. Convince China to become “enemies” with soviet Russia. Why would the US support a horrible dictator like Mao Zedong? To prevent a collaboration of communist superpowers that could overrun the world overnight. And second, The Allies simply had no real proof of the atrocities being committed by Stalin during his reign. Solzhenitsyn does express the evils of his own nation clearly, which becomes eerie when looking through the same lens upon which we see our own nation slipping into. He makes remarks about the soviet government controlling everything. Elections are folly; the... ... middle of paper ... ...en it was written. As I wrote above, even the “light of the world”(USA) has seemingly ignored the warning by Solzhenitsyn. As America, the prime example of democratic success, turns toward socialism, the world will follow. This warning by Solzhenitsyn has been brushed aside. More importantly, Solzhenitsyn’s Warning was for the West to learn from history, to which the West has failed to do. However, we still have time to learn. This book is a must read for anyone who believes in liberty, freedom, and democracy because it heeds warnings to what we have brushed off for decades. “Americas will never let that happen to America”, this statement has shown to be completely untrue. Solzhenitsyn’s writing is empowering and reminding of man’s truest sin, ignorance of truth. Works Cited Warning to the West by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976.

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