Socratic Communism

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Throughout the course of history there have been numerous ideas and designs for the structure of a community. Democracies and dictatorships are two examples of designs for the structure of a community. There are many political structures that are very successful, as well as other political structures that fail due to lack of support or the way the political system is structured. There also exist community structures that only exist theoretically. One type of community structure that is theoretical is Socrates idea of a just society. Socrates' design is referred to as Socratic communism. Socrates' claims that in order for a society to be successful; every aspect of the society must work in harmony with all other parts of the society. Socrates' puts a heavy emphasis on a censored education, the abolishment of family, class divisions and the use of lies. Socratic communism is advantageous because it creates a society that is fully functional and one that has no tolerance for discontent among its members.

One of the most important aspects of Socratic communism is education. Socrates says that the "just city" thrives on every member of the society being well educated. This education must also be heavily censored. A censored education is very advantageous because it improves the quality of life for everyone and also puts an end to corruption. A non-censored education can lead to people believing in unjust causes. A censored education causes total uniformity and equality within the society. People would be unable to form their own opinions, which would mean that in most cases there is only way of doing things. Human emotions would be very limited, which would put an end to many everyday problems that can occur in a community. Although this aspect of Socratic communism eliminates the uniqueness and individuality of a person, it is necessary to do so in order to have an efficient and just society.

Another important feature of Socratic communism is the abolishment of the family. Abolishment of the family is advantageous because it gets rid of people's natural affection towards one's own. In order for a society to progress, there must be people or groups of people that are better and more accomplished than others. In a Socratic communist society there is an incentive for progression. This incentive is sex

Socratic communism uses something called the noble lie. The noble lie ensures that every member of the society is happy.

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