Sociological Reflection Paper

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In Sociology 421, the main topic is about punishment. We explored different ways around punishment in this class, for example gender, race, social class, mental health, gangs and family. We had two presentations, academic and creative presentations during this semester, which we could link and relate the topic together, and view it in a broader way. We can see all the topics are actually related, every topic could affect each other. We used these topics to see the changing of the nature of punishment overtime. In this class, we learned what are punishment and the reasons we punish, but why we punish always have little to do with actual forms of punishment. We also explored few major points such as deterrence and rehabilitation before and after …show more content…

I saw different presentations throughout this term, every topic seem different. However when I think in a critical ways, they are actually linked together. For example, I want to talk about the group of race. First, I think they did a really great job of the presentation; they made clear explanation on the topic and background for the academic presentation. They also made a website for the final presentation, it was very interesting. They handed out some cards about the race for justice project, which had their own website on it. It reminds me that this topic is not only about us but also everyone in the world. I really like this idea, which can let more people think of the relations between punishment and racism. We can see these topic are actually related to our own, it influenced our daily life and affecting around us. We should also learn the issues through the history of the past, to let us not to go to the wrong way again. Their project mainly talks about how Canadian history had affected different people, and race problem always appear. Also, I remembered during their presentation, they talked about how Muslims informally punished just because of their race. This is a very popular topic, but I did not really think it is that serious until now. This can also relate to our daily life, not only the situation in the airport of the security check, but also

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