Sociological Observation

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Observing people’s sociological interactions can be seen everywhere. From the grocery store to the dorm room, interactions is what drives the fundamentals of being human. Being a fundamental part of human behavior, I decided to observe the interactions that took place within public transportation. Staring off the journey, there was a small metal bench in which only a few people sat. While at the bus stop, there weren’t many social interactions between riders as they kept to themselves. When the bus came, I sat towards the back in order to observe the interactions that took place within the bus during the hour trip to Downtown Napa. The physical layout of the bus was quite tradition with many seats along the side of the bus, normally two seats …show more content…

Secondly, it was quite shocking to see that there were not much social interactions between commuters and that they mainly kept to themselves. This could be due to the fact that they just finished work and after a long day of interacting with people, they need some time to themselves in order to recuperate. Secondly it could be due to the fact that many people are introverted when faced with a new group of people that they do not know. This sociological phenomenon can be placed into many different scenarios. One can be placed within a supermarket. Many shoppers that go into a supermarket are two of the three groups that was observed within the bus. People that come in with a group of people and have social interactions with their friends and those who have a list and want to be in an out as fast as possible. Secondly, this can be applied to the DMV as well. When sitting at a DMV, the same two groups can be identified. These social interactions are present everywhere we go and has given me insight on human social behavior. When looking at humans, they thrive off of human interactions between each other, but when they are faced with a scenario in which they are not comfortable with, they put up a barrier in order to protect themselves. This can be dated back to the prehistoric times of the cavemen. When looking at social …show more content…

Now when it comes to social interactions, that is when humans become picky. This research as shown me that many people, in order to have observable social interactions, must be comfortable in their setting. Otherwise, many interactions would look like the ones I observed on the bus. I would be very interested to see what would happen if someone would come up to someone and start talking to them. I believe a future research idea would be if someone approached another person and started a conversation, would they reciprocate in the interaction, or continue in their sheltered

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