Socialism Vs Communism

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As of the Enlightenment people have questioned and debated; what system of governing is the most just and progressive? Commonly the dispute is between communism, socialism, and capitalism. The controversial topic of what system of government is the most profitable for the economy and its citizens dates back to the late 1600s, the beginning of the Enlightenment. Compared to socialism and communism capitalism has undoubtedly stood the test of time; it has proven to be the best method of governing because of competition, freedom, and choice. Communism is a method of government that is slowly dying, as only five countries still practice it. It is, by definition, a system where all property is owned by the government and there is equal wage, so …show more content…

This is why their taxes are so high because the money goes to colleges, the community, people in need, and the government so they can improve the country. Socialism is meant to create a fair opportunity across the board in society, meaning there is no distinction between classes much like communism. For example, in capitalist countries like America higher education is expensive, so those born into a higher status have a better chance of attending college and in the end are given better opportunities; in socialist countries like Finland everyone has an opportunity to attend college. The downside to all of this is it can promote laziness, taxes are extremely high, and government has a lot of control. If someone decided not to work, the taxes paid by other people would help them out and that just is not fair to those who work to pay their taxes. With the amount of control the government has, it does not give the citizen’s many options when it comes to commodities. Meaning the citizens would rather collectively own and control property as a whole community. Through history socialism has shown that it is based more on a theory because it isn’t a realistic system, it needs rational practice to go with it like …show more content…

The main focus of capitalism is free market, trade, private property, and freedom of speech. Although it is so much more than that. In free market, an economic system in which prices are determined by the seller, you must out do your competition so you’ll get more money and be overall more successful. This gives people the incentive for innovation and hard work unlike communism and socialism. Some will argue that if you lose to your competition that things can get so bad it would be better if you did not compete. That’s where your freedom comes in; you have a choice for the way you want to live. You have the right to choose who your trade partners will be and you set your own prices for your goods. All property is also privately owned and everyone has these rights no matter race, gender, ethnicity, or sex. Overall, it is hard to argue that capitalism does not have a great impact on the countries with it. Capitalism allows a country to progress at a fast rate and promotes inventing new products for the increasing

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