Social Security Violations

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Social Security benefits are normally available to any citizen of the United States who has paid into the system through deductions in their paychecks. But, what about people who have commited a crime? Are they still eligible, or have they forfeited their rights to these benefits? If you or someone you know has been convicted of a crime, keep reading to learn some more information about how that affects your Social Security payments.

Which Benefits Can Your Receive?
Those who have been incarcerated may still be eligible for the following benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA):

Who Can Collect Benefits?
Even if you have been incarcerated because you committed a crime, you may still be eligible for …show more content…

Further, you are not eligible if there is an active warrant out for your arrest for a felony that is punishable by imprisonment or death.. You also may not be eligible for benefits if you were found not guilty of a crime due to mental illness or it was determined that you were not competent enough to stand trial. It is important to note that if your incarceration lasts less than one month, you will still not be eligible for benefits during that particular month.

Parole Violations
If, after your release from prison, you violate any condition of your parole or probation, you will not be able to receive your Social Security benefits for the month in which the violation occurred.

Eligibility for Felons
In most cases, even if you were convicted of a felony, it will not affect your ability to collect Social Security benefits. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. You may not collect benefits if you fall into one of these categories:
Your disability was the result of, or was made worse, while committing a felony
Your disability occurred, or was made worse, while you were in prison on a felony

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