Social Psychology In The Aviator

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The Aviator has many in depth social psychological principles throughout. With young and upcoming actor Howard Hughes displaying many difficulties with rising to the top of his movie making career. In the movie Hughes has many commonly bunched psychological tendencies that keep him distanced from his relationships in his career. Hughes shows his issues with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD) with him constantly washing his hands to the point of bleeding knuckles. Hughes shows a phobia as well with his fear of crowds and attention, which is shown every time a flash goes off or a crowd of people gather to see Howard. Also Howard is suffering from Catatonic Schizophrenia, this is shown when Howard repeats what someone is saying multiple times …show more content…

This is defined as a specific fear of wide area, crowds, or even traveling. This phobia can also be from fear of public embarrassment in front of large crowds. This phobia is shown in these scenes by Hughes dramatic and sudden panicked nature brought on by the flashes of the cameras and the many reporters and fans in Hughes space. Hughes changes his behavior from a calm and relaxed beginning to a unrelaxed and jittery physique after the realization of the all the audience and the interviewers that came to watch his new film. His sudden and dramatic change in behavior that is brought on by the crowds and the audience that applauds him can be explained as a phobia because he is displaying he has an irrational or extreme fear of the experience. Hughes irrational phobia is shown every time the main attention of a group of people of unknown crowd directs their attention on him during a speech or interview. When dealing with any severe phobia as shown by Hughes behavior it is uncontrollable and sudden to him when faced with the fear itself. This causes him many issues throughout his movie career in public speaking and meetings with his

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