Social Media Influence On Sports

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Lizzy Tilton
Professor Castor
LAN 305
Effects of Social Media in Sports “Social Media is a powerful vehicle that drives sports talk today and the way fans interact with teams, players, personalities and fellow fans. It's a powerful source for getting news, engaging in topical discussions and empowering brands. Social Media has impacted the Sports Industry and that impact will continue to evolve in the years to come” (DiMoro). There is no denying the fact that social media has an impact on sports, but what is that impact good or Bad? Weather good or bad Social media continues to impact sports and the athletes in their everyday lives. Social media is growing, …show more content…

So, what kind of influence is social media having on them? High school kids are always looking to be accepted whether it is a sports team or somethings else they just want to feel like they belong. With high school sports it is looked at as something for the cool, athletic, popular kids. In most high schools it is a big deal to play a sport especially a varsity sport. When players are in that position they tend to take advantage of it. They might post things on social media that they know they should not but do because they feel like they are more entitled. That causes problems for the coaches, now they have to decided how to punish them. But on the other hand, social media is very helpful when trying to get recruited by a college. A lot of players will put together a highlight video and post it to YouTube or some other site in hopes of being seen by a college …show more content…

Back when Michael Jorden was playing basketball he was not famous for his tweets or how good his Instagram post were, he was popular for his pure talent. Nowadays everyone knows who players like PJ Tucker are, not because of his amazing basketball talent but because of the shoes he wears. Everyone is always talking about what shoes he is wearing and where he got them from, but no one is talking about how well he played. PJ Tucker is not a star player, but he is treated like one because of the pictures of his shoes he posts about on Instagram. With social media thrown into the mix sports has become more showboating then focusing on actually playing the game. One thing social media does do well is built a relationship between the fans and the team (DiMoro). when the fans see and hear about things going on behind the scene makes the fans feel more involved and apart of the team. The real question is does social media help or hinder sports? Good or bad there is no denying that social media has an impact on sports. It all depends on the point of view it can either be helpful or hurtful. For popularity purposes it is mostly helpful but for the individual athletes it tends to lean to more hurtful. But overall it is all in the way it is looked at. So how do teams and athletes move forward do they continue to use social media in the way they are or will they make a

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