Social Media And Gender Stereotypes

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This generation is messed up. All we care about is how many likes we get on instagram or what fashion trends are happening. Of course I part take in all the social media rage and see what people are fussing about now a days, but not as much as a lot of other people. I like to say that this generation is like flock of birds fighting for the one piece of food another bird found. Everyone is trying to get what Kylie Jenner had because it’s so trendy or buying Yeezy’s because if you had them you were cool. Why? Honestly they’re not that cool. CMO says that 52 percent of kids in this generation use social media. It’s almost taken over. . Thick or thin? It used to be thin but now its thick? This generation is focused on body perfection and it’s mainly influenced by what guys want and what girls see on social media and other places. I hear girls all around school saying they don't have a big butt or their butt is too flat. We see women like Kim Kardashian with a big butt and we want to be like her. Not too long ago everyone wanted to be skinny with a thigh gap and flat stomach but now everyone wants a slim waist and a big butt. Guys aren't much help too as they are the ones who say they probably like them as big as earth. …show more content…

Birthday celebrations, anniversaries, New Years parties. Well not anymore. Teenagers these days use partying as a way to drink and hook up with people. Parties are just things teens go to on Friday nights instead of staying at home watching Netflix, which is what I do. They go to listen to a DJ play really bad music and dance inappropriately. No I haven’t been to one and I don’t plan on it. I just see it on Snapchat I

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