The Silent Generation In Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

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Socrates, a famous Greek philosopher, once said, “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in the place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households . . .” (Has Child Behavior Worsened? 3). This quote often represents the logic that is passed from generation to generation. The generation that is most prominent today, the Millennials, is often compared to the other generations, as the Millennials were brought up with much more technological advances and thus behave differently. Some people may use this in a bad way, and others in a good way. Although multiple generations set the two generations apart, the Millennials can be considered …show more content…

This is much like the Lost/Silent Generation, who tended to do things that were commonly illegal such as drug trading and alcohol though they were banned. Both generations made excuses, as represented in The Great Gatsby when Jay Gatsby continuously lies about his whereabouts and doings. Furthermore, the Lost/Silent Generation, as portrayed by the West Egg partying, was probably very irresponsible because they did not have time to do anything as they were ‘too busy’ having parties. When looked at from a different perspective, this can also show their passion for social lives as it is often one’s social life today and in the Lost/Silent Generation that deters one from doing what he/she needs to do. In turn, this causes Next, in an article published by All Africa, the Millennials are talked about in terms of marketing to them. For example, as mentioned in the article, “They want their information in soundbytes and their delivery instant and easily accessible. they scan over detailed messages and pan the environment for trends . . . They are socially . . . conscious” (All Africa 1). This shows that the Millennials are very social because of their common interactions with people around them, online or in real life.

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