Social Ethics And The Abuse Of Gambling

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The issue I have selected on social ethics is gambling. The addiction of gambling is so strong it can be compared to a drug addiction or even alcoholism. The wagering of money or material value is what can be considered as gambling. Problem gambling is gambling that affects a person’s life excessively and negatively through their physical or mental life, school or work performance, finances, and relations with others. People with gambling problems often bet money that they can’t afford to lose, borrow money they can’t return, and do other things that compromise their personal values. Gambling addiction can also be known as compulsive gambling, which is a type of impulse-control disorder. Not being able to control your gambling and hurting …show more content…

A law that permits gambling is justifiably hard, and laws that have a main purpose of promoting or sponsoring gambling is a positive failure. Gambling is not productive, if anything it promotes crime. “Gambling is debased speculation, a lust for sudden wealth that is not connected with the process of making society more productive of goods and services. Government support of gambling gives a legitimizing imprimatur to the pursuit of wealth without work (Columnist George F. Will).” The thought of receiving something far more in value of what is given is a root of multiple crimes. These crimes include theft, robbery, looting, embezzlement, and fraud. Gambling is a prospering threat to peace in any nation. Gambling is most dangerous when the government administers it or when the government relies on gambling as a source of public revenue. Gambling sponsored by the public is dangerous because it becomes addictive to the body politic. “You can’t run a successful lottery by telling the whole truth. You need hard-sell promotion, often vague and misleading about the odds and the prizes. That enterprise of parting the sucker from his dollar is questionable enough in the free marketplace; it’s no business for a state or federal government whose purpose is to serve and protect the people” (Senator David Durenberger). Gambling to raise money for public purposes is unfair. Lastly Government expenditures occur do to the increase in …show more content…

Most states in the U.S. are about the act of gambling to bring in revenue, but conservative Christian groups want nothing to do with gambling. Many believe that the expansion of gambling can be seen as a “value” issue. Gambling is seen as a social justice that shows how we love our neighbors and continue a common good in society. Gambling is also a form of economic predation. It benefits with multinational corporations, while it is driving low-wage faces into the ground. Another aspect of gambling is how gambling can interfere with the environment. The environment can be effected in one way by an increase in traffic on local highways, due to gambling addicts coming into casino areas. Peaceful communities that are nearby casinos can be taken over by the over population of crazed gamblers. I thought that I should mention this because in my research there aren’t a lot of topics on gambling about how it is involved with the

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