Social Determiners Of Health Essay

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Social determiners of health present different relationships throughout the world. Population explosions have the potential to produce a negative relationship with social determiners of health. Population explosion can increase chaos in several ways, leading to short term and long term negative consequences. Access to health care could become harder and poverty could increase, due to limited jobs and unemployment rates. Scarcity of resources can also cause negative consequences when related to social determiners of health. Lack of resources to produce food can cause a major increase in social determiners of health. This scarcity of resources could be the result of poverty, lack of employment, and decreased literacy. This may also be a result of depletion of resources, and the lack of use of alternative methods to produce …show more content…

This could be attributed to political leaders hesitant to change policies that they believe are effective and may hinder public support or progress. New political leaders may also promote chaos by being uninformed about the community’s overall status, beliefs, weaknesses, strengths, and/or needs. Developing or promoting policies with this awareness could result in political chaos among members who are aware of the community’s standards. Charts or aids that I would use in my presentation would include Gapminder and other statistical data systems that present data regarding population status, as well as poverty, literacy, employment, and unemployment rates. Peer reviewed journals that present research regarding types of global diseases, and past outbreaks that have occurred. Political history, that details political chaos and peace; to demonstrate how disturbances can occur and be resolved in political situations. Also, present research and techniques associated with disaster relief efforts

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