Social Class Research Paper

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The concept of social class was introduced into marketing literature in the late 1950’s. Since then marketers have paid considerable attention to this category. In the theory of marketing and buyer behaviors, the concept of social class is considered the basic determinant of consumption behavior. It is often thought that social class and income are associated with the same criteria for consumption patterns; however the notion of the social class concept is more extensive than that of income when considering their relevance in understanding and explaining consumption. Levy, argues that “social class variation are variations in lifestyle” (1966), while Myers and Guttmann consider social class to be a “valuable segmentation base because it captures …show more content…

Veblen’s (1899) theory of conspicuous consumption and Weber’s (1978) theory of status both illustrate early thoughts on social class. Within classical theory, Karl Marx has provided an influential analysis of social class. Marx studied society as a social construction created upon ideologies. He defined class and class relations as “the name for a certain type of structural relation that is framed within the field of economy and the relation of subordination that arise from it” (Morrison, 2006, p57). The connection between consumer behavior and social class has been outlined by many theorists stressing variation in values, lifestyles and general consumption goals. Research has shown that consumption patterns are highly influenced by a consumer’s social class. Mcnall states that the function of consumption focuses on self-identification; “we actively purchase and consume, engage in display of our goods, as a way of telling people who we are, or who we wish to become” (1990). It is maintained that lifestyle is an expression of one’s class position. Bourdieu believes that consumption and ‘taste’ is socially conditioned, and that a consumers choice of products will reflect a symbolic hierarchy that is determined and maintained by the socially dominant in order to enforce a distance from other classes of society. Consumption and taste is said to be related to an individual’s social location, Bourdieu believes that “cultural needs are the product of upbringing and education” (1984). Members of different social groups consume as they have learned but also observe the consumption patterns of other members in society. According to Belk “in the absence of a more direct social contact, consumption patterns reveal social status”. For marketers it is important to understand the association of social class and consumption as Belk states, “we cannot hope

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