Social Class And Sociological Issues In The Movie Titanic

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There are many sociological issues addressed in the movie Titanic. There are three main issues that are presented, classism, sex and gender inequality, and ethnic inequalities. The main characters are each from different social classes which causes the uprise of problems on the ship. There is a great deal of wealthy men that feel they are the hierarchy out of most of the others who aboard. Besides the men and social issues there were also problems with the ethnic subgroup and many inequalities between the main group and them. All throughout the movie social class is a problem. Social class is the division of classes based on social, economic, and achieved status. All of the events on the ship are broken down based on which social class each person falls under. The upper class were those who were on a luxury trip, and …show more content…

Her father died and left her and her mother in a hard situation as he made most of the money. She must marry into a family with a lot of wealth to continue the type of lifestyle she was use to, the abundance of valuable possessions and money. Cal, Roses fiance is one that makes it clear on her place in their relationship. Gender stratification is also a big role in their relationship. Cal makes it exceptionally clear that Rose must obey and reflect well on him, and if she doesn 't not violence could be in place. Gender Stratification shows that Cal is the higher between the two according to their gender. Cal felt that he had prestige over others like Rose and Jack. That his achievements and his high class and being a successful male made him much more qualified to be with Rose, even if Rose didn 't agree. Rose didn 't care about her fiance 's achievements and prestige, as her feelings for Jack were growing. They snuck off to hide from her fiance and because their relationship wasn 't accepted for many

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