Social Biases In Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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Everyday people are involved in relationships,whether if it is with family ,friends, colleagues, or a significant other. It is prominent that society as a whole learns to develop proper relationships with those they love the most without judging one another based on social class, appearance, gender, or ethnicity. Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice portrays Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy’s complex relationship of overcoming each other’s social biases and perspectives to find love through the acceptance of each other’s faults.
Mr. Darcy is prejudice towards both Elizabeth and her family because of their social status. Darcy’s prejudice towards Elizabeth is displayed when they are attending a ball in Netherfield, Darcy talks to Mr.Bingley and says that Elizabeth is “tolerable” and not “handsome enough ” to tempt him to dance with her. Elizabeth …show more content…

In chapter 13, Elizabeth tries to recollect any “trait of integrity or benevolence” in Darcy but, “no recollection befriended her” Elizabeth’s prejudice blinds her from changing her perspective of Mr. Darcy and her pride blinds and puts her in denial of believing that there is some good within Mr.Darcy. In contrast, others may argue that there is an understandable and just reason for Elizabeth to be prejudice against Mr.Darcy because he had previously insulted her. Elizabeth’s prejudice is then enhanced when the handsome Mr. Wickham flatters her and tells Elizabeth a pretense of the relationship he and Darcy had with each other in the past. To continue, Chapter 16 further proves that Elizabeth believes anything negative that she hears of Darcy and sees it as the truth without knowing both sides of the story. While Mr.Wickham tells her of the tale he shares with her of Darcy, she responds “but how could that be?” The Falsehood of the tale further increases her preconceived thoughts of Mr.Darcy and further builds her wall of

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