So You Ve Publicly Shamed Character Analysis

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Imagine that it’s a normal day for you. You’re hanging out with your friends goofing around and cracking jokes trying to be funny. Now let’s say that you did something or said something and one of your friends wanted to post it to social media. You let them as you think it will be funny and get a reaction out of people. That is exactly what happens to Lindsey Stone in Jon Ronson’s book So You’ve Publicly Shamed but it lands her in a load of trouble. Lindsey’s poor judgement on posing for a photo while making obscene gestures and letting her friend post it to Facebook ended up in her being publicly shamed for months.
In 2012, Lindsey Stone and her friend, Jamie, worked for LIFE- Living Independently Forever. When talking to Jon, Lindsey said that LIFE was for “pretty high-functioning people with learning disabilities” (Ronson 206). Lindsey and Jamie took a group of people with learning disabilities on a trip to Washington, D.C. where they visited the National Mall, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, the Smithsonian, The U.S. Mint, and Arlington National Cemetery. When Lindsey and Jamie weren’t working, they liked to take pictures of themselves mimicking signs, such as, smoking in front of a no smoking sign.
When they were at Arlington National Cemetery, they saw a sign that read “Silence and Respect”. They thought it would be funny …show more content…

They went online and noticed that her picture went viral with many horrible comments directed towards Lindsey, some of which said: “Lindsey Stone hates the military and hate soldiers who have died in foreign wars,” and “The Face of a Typical Feminist. Fifty pounds overweight? Check. Sausage arms and little piglet fingers? Check. No respect for the men who sacrificed? Check,” and “HOPE THIS CUNT GETS RAPED AND STABBED TO DEATH,” and “After they fire her, maybe she needs to sign up as a client. Woman needs help” (Ronson

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