Snowboarding: A Short Story

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Of course the daily wake up call. Usually I wouldn’t be so thrilled to wake up and face the day. Although, today is different; I'm not home. I'm in a beautiful place known as Big Sky, Montana. The snow is as white and fluffy as a pillow. My obsession for this view is indescribable, and I love the mountains. This view is one that will never get old, and I mean never. Today, I woke up early to go snowboarding. This sport is one of my passions; I may not be pro but ill get there eventually. My cousin and I headed for the white freshly covered mountain. I could feel the cold breeze sifting across my face in the wind. I saw all the green trees that had little piles of snow falling from branch to branch. We were at the couloir (rough terrain close to the peek); ready to go. I put in my earbuds and looked at my cousin. She put her thumb up and said, " 1...2....3...Go." I jumped up and started on my way. I could hear the board …show more content…

I do understand for my health I probably shouldn’t go, yet I only go once a year. I will not let this one thing ruin my experience. I went back to the legendary park and give this jump another try. I had a killer headache, but I started to shift my board to the direction of the jump. Not going lie I'm nervous, and this feeling in my stomach was tickling me. My lips dry and chapped I yell, "I'm going to try it." My cousin gives me a funny look and answers back, " be careful." Although, I have never been a really "careful" person. I went soaring again, but this time I reached my hand back to the plastic smooth board. Then I gracefully land back on the earths crust. It was so worth it, my cousin cheered and screamed. We went back to the cabin and my family were so happy for me and proud. Seeing them proud made me super happy, I swear I couldn’t stop smiling. Now, my brother and I always challenge each other to see who the better one is. Yet, we all know it's

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