Snapchat's Disruption: Conventional Social Media

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Disruption –
The major disruption caused by this revolting technology is in the conventional social media industry. Snapchat has gained popularity with ravishing rates and it seems to have an even brighter future. Social media is all about narrating one’s experiences to a customized audience, and even though the industry leaders Facebook and twitter have successfully captured the essence of the purpose, Snapchat is challenging the game leaders in a way seeming threatening to them.
Company Market Cap Segment Disrupted –(Potential in some cases)
Faebook (FB) 170.12 Billion Photo Sharing
Twitter (TWTR) 24.36 Billion Show-casing daily details
Instagram Not listed Photo-Sharing
Tumblr Not listed Photo-Sharing

Threatening Facebook (FB)
The …show more content…

Snapchat with all its promises has penetrated the photo-sharing aspect of Facebook with more than 400 million Snaps (photos) being shared every day. So much so, that now it holds 46% of the photo-sharing market equaling Facebook.
The threat was so imminent that Facebook sought out to acquire Snapchat with an offer of 3$ Billion in November 2013, which was brutally rejected by Snapchat CEO; Evan Spiegel .
Threatening Twitter (TWTR) Twitter (-1.05%) has been known to be very effective in show-casing day-to-day activities; it is also used by famous celebrities to engage their fans and audience in a more personal manner. But, twitter has many downsides, which are substituted by the use of Snapchat;
- Privacy concerns; twitter shares every users information and makes it open to all third-party viewers, which has caused a lot of concern over the years, Snapchat however eliminates this concern.
- Server overloads; twitter servers have been known to be overloaded frequently, this mainly happens due to the over abundant user load on twitter. Snapchat, however, is a one-to-one database rendering it almost invincible to server

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