Snapchat Story Of A Tuna Pasta Abroad

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I recently posted a photo on my snapchat story of a tuna pasta salad that I made and was completely shocked over how many people sent it back to me asking me how to make it and telling me how good it looked so I thought I’d share it here!
It’s a super easy recipe, and doesn’t take long at all, but the best part is that its absolutely delicious! If you decide to try this, let me know how you liked it! I love getting feedback!
Here’s a list of what I use: 1 box of uncooked pasta (any will do but I typically reach for the elbow macaroni’s, the shell’s or penne)
1 can of tuna (clover leaf or gold seal is what I like to use, go for the light chunk tuna in water)
About half a cup of mayonnaise
Veggies! Whatever you put in is entirely up to, however I like to use raw carrots-just chop them up into tiny pieces, cucumber, bell peppers of any colour, black olives, celery, red or green onion, tomatoes, an avocado, and sometimes, if I have them on hand, I’ll throw in some chickpea’s as well. …show more content…

Once that’s boiled, pour the box of pasta into the pot and let it cook for roughly 10 minutes (I keep the temperature around medium to medium high.
Once your pasta is cooked, drain it and rinse it under cold water
I like to put it in the fridge for about 5-10 minutes while I prepare my

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