A Dinner Menu Analysis

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Recently, on a spontaneous thrill, I decided to have dinner party for all my closest friends and family. The dinner was served as a three course meal, most of all the food was prepared by yours truly, with the exception of the dessert. Since I've chosen years ago to live a different life style, which is to be a healthier person, the food presented was, for the most part, very health consciense but nonetheless, delicious enough that it met everyone's standards, wants and needs.

Starting out with appetizers, I chose to have some very vegetable based foods. To get everyone's stomachs partically filled, I served grilled shrimp salad. The salad will be regular chef styled with grilled shrimp, that has been marinated in garlic and lemon juice cooked on an outdoor grill, laid on top of it. The second choice in an appetizer, for the people who didn't prefer salad, was some incredible grill chicken artichoke flat bread. Cheese, artichoke, and chicken spread evenly along pita bread, that has been sliced into triangle-like pieces, was a great choice of semi-filling starter meal. Both choices have great health benefits that can be very beneficial nutritionly. As far as beverages go, my guest had an abundent selection to choose from. There was water (lemon wedges preferred), Shudder Homes wine, sodas, juices and hard liquors were all served. …show more content…

My mother's recipe for a lean beef roast comforted with a selection of baked veggies, such as carrots, celery, and red potatoes. The roast was tenderly cooked on a low temperature for a couple of hours to insure the meat's taste and quality. I also make a great quantity of homemade cornbread, which is another one of my mother's recipes, because it perfectly fits into the dishes

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