Smoking Persuasive Research Paper

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There was a person named Tanner and his friend wanted him to try a cigarette at the age of 18. He told them no because he is not 21 and he doesn’t smoke or use smokeless tobacco. He also told him the ingredients of a cigarette. It's glass cleaner, tar, battery acid ,gas, and a lot of other things. So he tried to make the age bumped up to 21. So young teens will quit trying it, gives them three more years to thinks about it, try to get rid of smoking and smokeless tobacco when every one try's to quit. If the age to buy tobacco was raised to 21,there will be a less risk of young teens smoking. If you get caught a 500 dollar fine.the second time you get caught 3 years in jail. Then hopefully they will learn to say NO when they ask you again.

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