Slightly Extroverted Individuals

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The survey revealed that extroverted individuals (personality score 5) found both workshop and lecture to be only somewhat valuable. On average, extroverts rated workshop value as a 3.83 out of 5 and lecture value as a 3.33 out of 5. Extroverts also rated workshop value lower than any other group. Slightly introverted individuals (personality score 2) rated lecture value lower than all other groups (3 out of 5) indicating that they found lecture to be relatively unhelpful. Ambiverts (personality score 3) rated workshop value as a 4.31 out of 5 and lecture value as a 3.56 out of 5, demonstrating that these students value workshops more than lectures. Slightly extroverted (personality score 4) found both lecture and workshop to be more valuable …show more content…

However, this was not the case, since extroverts were found to enjoy workshop more so than introverts. This could stem from the fact that extroverts enjoy enthusiastic discussion and are comfortable with conflict, while introverts tend to think before they speak and approach conflict with greater reluctance. Perhaps the smaller workshop groups gave extroverts a platform to passionately debate course material, which found energizing and pleasurable. The loquacious extroverts of the group may have drained the introverts in these workshop settings of their psychological energy, which led introverts to find workshops exhausting and non-enjoyable. These innate tendencies of extroverts and introverts could also explain why extrovert participation in workshop outweighed introvert participation. Extroverts will naturally jump at the opportunity to speak up and take the spot light, while introverts are more inclined to sit back and take in what the extrovert has to say. It is likely that the extroverts in workshop sections stifled the ability of introverts to benefit from the smaller group discussions, which caused introverts to find workshops less valuable. If extroverts thrive off of the active discussion in workshop sections, why did they still rate their value so low? Extroverts derive their psychological energy from their external environment, which is why they do well in large groups – there is a lot of energy to feed off of. It is likely that workshops were too small to sufficiently energize extroverts; therefore, they quickly became bored by the workshop discussions, despite the fact that they continually contributed to

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