Slacktivism Analysis

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1) The article discusses issues of social media equating to lazy activists called slacktivists. The main point focuses on the little difference that slacktivism accomplishes. Gilmore defines slacktivism as “someone who believes that it is more important to be seen to help than to actually help.” By using social media, they have eliminated the labor involved in activism with just the press of a thumb. Another main point of the article is the use of social media in slacktivism. Social media is used for the slacktivists to show their support with the intention of making a difference. However, in the case of the women in Nigeria, despite the trending that they did it did not save them from their fate. Gilmore sees that social media can do very …show more content…

Gilmore takes on the role of a slacktivist emphasizing what “we” do. Gilmore has a sarcastic tone as he later states “the schoolgirls we improbably expected to rescue through social media have been sold into slavery or married off to the men who stole them.” The article begins with a single sentence that leads into an illustration of the good a slacktivist can do. The sentence prior to the first paragraph adds emphasis and an effect in the reader as the author already tells the fate of the girls before even the illustration begins. The introduction is effective in the pause that is given between the single sentence and the paragraph. Stylistically it works. 3) The definition provides clarity for the reader adding to the author’s argument. If taken away the reader would be left to try and understand the definition of a slacktivist creating confusion. Gilmore goes from the definition to examples of wearing a T-shirts and wristbands to show their support. The brutal definition that is given makes all these little attempts to support a cause to be very minor in the scale of doing any good. (add more, perhaps quote the definition) exposes the true nature of a …show more content…

There is a biological reward that the brain our brains receive as the result of neurotransmitters in committing an act that supports a cause. Motivations of slacktivism are already preprogrammed into our brains. The topics paragraphs six and seven relate back to the definition of slacktivism as it provides useful information behind the motivations of slacktivism. However, in paragraph eight Gilmore keeps stating negative things about those who are as he defines slacktivists despite the biological reasoning why people do it. There is no transition between paragraphs seven and eight making eight seem out of place and

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