Skin and Bone on Their Own? No Thanks.

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Perfection; a word seemingly defined by the fashion industry as skin and bone. A definition displayed by some of the biggest fashion brands in the world to us, the mindless audience. All brands which present to us their latest seasonal garments on catwalks, in magazines, on posters, in shop windows, all on their very own ‘size zeroes.’ This is an unnecessary risk of both health and wellbeing not only for the models, but also for our future generations. Some bizarrely watch this in awe, whilst those whom are even partially sane watch in disgust. The misconception that being this slim is “perfect” is spreading. Members of our generation are somehow under the illusion that they must follow in the weary footsteps of these models to be beautiful, which in itself is quite worrying.
Any form of rationality would show that most models are fuelling an epidemic of eating disorders across the globe. Young girls tend to be as familiar with this ruthless industry as they are with the back of their own hand. However, this obsession could be proven to be warping our minds, without some even realising it. As a multitude of us strive to pursue the trends worn by these gaunt models, our self-esteem is more often than not lowered as these styles don't look as ‘flattering’ on our - in my opinion - better proportioned physiques. In fact, in a poll conducted by the Liberal Democrats, over two thirds of teenagers felt the need to lose weight after being shown photos of immoderately slim models such as Kate Moss, who famously said: “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Miss Moss evidently hasn’t discovered the wonders of pizza then. It’s ever so slightly distressing that people feel the need to alter both their lifestyle and body merely through being...

... middle of paper ... to pass their lips. If you could choose to be both physically and mentally healthy, or be a walking skeleton (whilst receiving compliments from your ever so kindhearted stylist) which would you choose? You’d be insane to throw your life away over your figure. Or perhaps I'm just mentally deranged and see life from a completely different perspective.
This relentless industry needs to get its priorities straight for our future generations to live contentedly and healthily. Government intervention is majorly lacking within this field. More attention must be paid towards our future nation, unless we want them to pay taxes to fund medical treatment for easily avoidable disorders. ‘Size zero’ must be hastily be put to an end. Until this day comes, this tornado of anxiety, disorder and self-doubt will simply keep spiralling out of control, as it seemingly already has.

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