Skin I Live In

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Character Evolution in Pedro Almodovar’s Film The Skin I Live In
Character evolution have always been the primary theme of multiply works of culture such as film productions. The development of medicine as a science has greatly contributed to the growing impact of human interference into natural processes. The latter reflects the particular focus on the assessment of diverse ethical personality transformations which provide arguments both for and against the dominance of a man over the nature and God. As medicine has always been associated with ambiguous ethical issues presented in many cultural works throughout the human history it is to be addressed as the primary ethical-related field of science. Pedro Almodovar’s movie The Skin I Live In represents the brightest example of an in-depth character evolution driven by scientific obsession and the desire to play God. As the main character strives to create a new kind of skin, he becomes interested in the scientifically outcome and manages to violate both professional and common-to-all-mankind ethical codes. The major essence of the movie’s ethical dilemma of personality transformation is revealed through the fact the Dr. Robert Lesgard in his blind desire to achieve professional success applies his findings in bio-medical science to …show more content…

Instead he decides to lock her in a room and keep as a proof of his consistency as a scientist. He perceives Vera as a product of his work and not as a human being with personality and feelings. By doing so he demonstrates the depth of the pathological evolution he undergoes driven by his thirst for recognition and acknowledgement. In other words the character evolution is closely related to the moral degradation of Lesgard’s consciousness once he transgresses through universal human values on his way to scientific supremacy over

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