Six Of Crows

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In the book Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, 17-year-old Kaz Brekker, criminal mastermind and prodigy, leads five other teenagers from the slums of Ketterdam to a risky heist from a place that has never been breached. Hired by a merchant by the name of Van Eck appearing to have been sponsored by the Merchant’s Council (which he is a part of), their job is to basically kidnap a Shu man, Yul-Bayur, held in the supposedly unbreachable Ice Court. Kaz is told that Van Eck and the Merchant’s Council want him because he’s the creator of jurda parem, a drug that alters the functions of Grisha, the name for people with magical powers, to make them more powerful. With Inej, a spy, Jesper, a sharpshooter who loves gambling, Nina, a Grisha Heartrender, Wylan, the disowned son of Van Eck, and Matthias, a convict who used to …show more content…

Although they think they’re successful and free, the six don’t know that there are hundreds of soldiers waiting for them at the dock where their boat is located, and they’re about to be captured and tortured when Nina takes in a dose of jurda parem, acquired from Kuwei, and kills all the soldiers easily, leaving their path to the boat free. When they get back to Ketterdam, however, and Kaz is ready to give Van Eck the son of Yul-Bayur in exchange for the 30 million kruge, he realizes that it was an ambush and that the Merchant Council was never involved; he got tricked. But luckily, Kaz has another trick up his sleeve and reveals that “Kuwei” isn’t Kuwei, instead, Wylan, appearance changed by Nina’s Grisha powers, and in rage, Van Eck launches an attack, resorting to take Inej instead of killing them all and risking not finding the real Kuwei. This book ends in a huge cliffhanger which the second book, Crooked Kingdom, starts off

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