Single Relationship Legacy Essay

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Couple Relationship Legacy (Word Count 1030) There are three main relationship bonds can be traced through the couples in my family genogram. My family is unique in the sense that both my husband and I came from similar family sizes, but surpassingly have a different view regarding relationships. My family extended family has a plain emotional bond, but with traditional features. Such as; we spend holidays together, speak on a regular basis, but that’s it. No one goes above what they need to do for each other. I hope in the future my family would grow to have a close relationship, but that seems doubtful. However, my husband’s side of the family have much more fused/hostile relationships, that ended in death. Both my husband’s grandfather and father were fused to his grandmother and mom, which turned into hostile relationships. Oddly enough, the grandfather and son never actually knew each other, since he passed away while she was pregnant with him. My husband has a close relationship with his grandmother and mother. His relationship with the females in his family I feel contributes largely why we have a close relationship. We have a close …show more content…

The good we grow from such as; family traditions and being able to show love in a healthy way, the bad we learn from such as; abusive fathers do not make for pleasant memories. Some relationships are not able to change especially when then couple does not see a point in change. Not that its unheard of that people who have been married for 50 years will get divorced, but I strongly doubt my grandparents would get divorced. They depend on each other too much to not have each other. For most relationships, they cannot be specified as they change as a person and their life events change leading them no longer to be plain, fused/hostile and

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