Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Brave New World

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Imagine living in a world where everybody is constantly being watched and monitored, and where whoever speaks out about the problems with the system gets punished harshly. This is the modern world. The movie V for Vendetta is about a tyrannical government in England and a man who tries to overthrow it. The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is about a world where everybody is genetically designed to perfectly fit their predetermined place in society. In the current event of the Edward Snowden case, a man named Edward Snowden leaked information about the United States government’s intelligence gathering operations. A dystopia is a society that looks perfect on the outside, but below the surface is anything but perfect. The first element …show more content…

The society in V for Vendetta conducts such surveillance by watching and listening to its citizens. This surveillance is shown when V says to Mr. Creedy, “That plan is the reason Sutler no longer trusts you. It’s the reason why you’re being watched right now, why there are eyes and ears in every room of this house and a tap on every phone” (V for Vendetta). This quote shows how when the government does not trust one of its citizens, they will constantly be watched. The society in Brave New World conducts such surveillance by keeping track of its citizens whereabouts at all times. This becomes clear when Bernard says, “A permit for you to initial, Director” (95). As Bernard said this, he was requesting that the Director would sign a permit allowing him to go to the Savage Reservation, which is in the Americas and is where those who live “savage” lifestyles are kept. This shows how the government constantly keeps track of its citizens’ …show more content…

Both V for Vendetta and the Edward Snowden case show that the citizens of these societies are under constant surveillance. In V for Vendetta, this becomes clear when Mr. Heyer, a member of the government, says, “Our surveillance cameras captured several images of the terrorist though the mask obviously makes retinal identification impossible” (V for Vendetta). This quote shows how there are many surveillance cameras throughout the society. The case of Edward Snowden also shows that American citizens are under constant surveillance. The BBC News article shows this when it states, “ US National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans” (BBC News). This shows just how much the United States government monitors their

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