Similarities Between The Things They Carried And A Vendetta

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Transformations Through Grief In A Vendetta by Guy de Maupassant and The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, the transformation of the characters after experiencing grief contrast with one another. Both the old widow from A Vendetta and Lieutenant Jimmy Cross from The Things They Carried show the transformation that occurs when a person goes through the pain caused by the loss of a loved one. While the old widow shows the dark side of this transformation through plotting and accomplishing revenge, however, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross shows this change through improvements in himself. The Lieutenant’s ability to become a better officer stems from the fact that he blames his own neglect for the death of Lavender, while the old widow fixates on revenge …show more content…

The widow loses her only son to a stabbing, leaving her completely alone in the world, in this scene we can see her begin her mourning after the son’s body is brought to her. “Then, stretching her wrinkled hand over the body, she promised him a vendetta. She did not wish anybody near her, and she shut herself up beside the body with the dog, which howled continuously, standing at the foot of the bed, her head stretched towards her master and her tail between her legs. She did not move any more than did the mother, who, now leaning over the body with a blank stare, was weeping silently and watching it.” In this scene, we can see the grief struck mother begin her mourning process, although she also begins to make her transformation by promising her son …show more content…

“"Never fear, my boy, my little baby, you shall be avenged. Sleep, sleep; you shall be avenged. Do you hear? It's your mother's promise! And she always keeps her word, your mother does, you know she does." Slowly she leaned over him, pressing her cold lips to his dead ones.” In this passage, we can see the woman promise revenge to the body of her deceased son. Soon she becomes fixated on this idea to the point of spending days staring at the coast of Sardinia, trying to figure out how to carry out her retaliation on Ravolati. “All alone, all day long, seated at her window, she was looking over there and thinking of revenge.” The turn of events begins when she finds the plan that will bring her to reach her goal. She ties the dog outside and starves her for two days, finally, she creates a dummy and cooks a sausage. “Semillante, frantic, was jumping about, frothing at the mouth, her eyes fixed on the food, the odor of which went right to her stomach. Then the mother made of the smoking sausage a necktie for the dummy. She tied it very tight around the neck with string, and when she had finished she untied the dog. With one leap the beast jumped at the dummy's throat, and with her paws on its shoulders she began to tear at it.” She does this for three months, feeling expectant and satisfied when Semillante is trained. This shows how darkness can take hold of

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